What I love most about illustration

The reason I love being an illustrator, is that I get to help so many express the things they are not able to do themselves.

This is a little love letter to illustration, and why I absolutely love it.

It is a great tool to tell a story or explain a concept

The first reason I love illustration so much, is because it’s one of the best tools to explain a complex subject, an abstract idea, help tell a story, create a new universe, and much more.


Expressing a feeling or mood

This ties a bit into the above. I love to use illustration for expressing my innermost feelings and moods.
An illustration is a great tool to use for self-expression and exploration, as it allows you to use our imagination and get the images that are stuck in the head, down on paper. It can be a great healing tool as well.

An illustration I made as a reflection on feeling like I had met my authentic self

An illustration I made as a reflection on feeling like I had met my authentic self

Illustrations can show things that a picture can’t show

In comparison to taking a picture, which is good for showing something that has to be more precise, illustration has the ability to go beyond reality and imagination.

It can also be cheaper to draw an imagined scenario (for example a scene for a fantasy story) than building a set and setting up lights and equipment for taking a picture.

I am not trying to come for using pictures and photography in any way, I think it’s amazing how we all have access to a camera these days. Illustration just has the ability to explore colours, imagination, shapes etc. in ways that photography sometimes can’t.

An example of a concept that was easier to use illustration for - four hygiene heroes, that needed to look androgynous and show each their own area of hygiene, in a fun and light way

An example of a concept that was easier to use illustration for - four hygiene heroes, that needed to look androgynous and show each their own area of hygiene, in a fun and light way

They are everywhere and can be used for anything

Illustration is everywhere these days. Just open your apps, your so-me, stand at a bus stop, go to a shop - they are everywhere, which is so exciting, since it means that we can utilise artists in other ways, than what we have been used to. Especially in the modern era of technology.

Colours and shapes

I love playing with colours and shapes.
I especially tend to lean towards using light pastel colours or bright vibrant colours.
For shapes I like to go bold and simple - I can draw more complex shapes and construct things very well, but over the past few years I have become more attracted to simplified and rounded shapes in my illustration work.

An example of the more simplified shapes and bright colours I love to work with

An example of the more simplified shapes and bright colours I love to work with


Illustrations come in all sort of styles! And there is a look and style for everyone’s taste and liking.
That is really the beauty of it all - illustration is for everyone!

Below you can see some examples of some different styles I have done over the years. Although I (like most artists) tend to draw in the same “style” I can still vary my expression, and therefore give different options that can fit many different purposes.

A sparetime illustration, where I explored new colours and a simpler style

A sparetime illustration, where I explored new colours and a simpler style

An explanation of how to sit correctly at the piano - all rights belong to Clio.me

An explanation of how to sit correctly at the piano - all rights belong to Clio.me

A cover for a fantasy book “Den Lilla Rose” (The Purple Rose)

A cover for a fantasy book “Den Lilla Rose” (The Purple Rose)

So there you have it, some reasons why I love illustration so much.

If you see an artist whose work you love, make sure to support their work - whether it’s recommending them to others, following their SO-ME profiles, giving them a like, buying their products, or sharing their stuff online - everything counts, and it is a great gesture to show.
Until next time, take care.

